My plan was to create one suitable for my crabs swimming behaviors, the Es like to submerge, swim and hangout by water. My PPs like to wade to the bottom lip of there shell (mostly). But i figure why stop there? I might as well turn this waterfall into a climbing wall and add some hiding places, maybe even a shell shop. The idea would be to get rid of the beta cube and some of the random rocks i put in there to help them get to that beta cube. Ultimately creating a multi purpose pool they will like to use, be easy to use, easy to clean, aesthetically pleasing and take advantage of the width of my 40g since there is not much height to it.
I started doing research and found this video,, and this guy is awesome. His website is pretty cool as well, I started throwing some ideas around in this thread, ... 9&t=102124 . And think I have a general enough idea of what i want and what would be okay to fit. I dont want it below the substrate but i still want it deep enough and big enough for them to climb on and hangout at.
The materials list is as follows:
Styrafoam/Insulating Foam-Home Depot-$15-$30
Locktites Power Grab-Home Depot-$5
Non Sanded Grout-Home Depot-$5
Acrylic Paint-Home Depot/Micheals-$5
Spray Bottle-Dollar Tree-$1-2
Sand-Pinches from the left over substrate
Paint Brush-Dollar Store/Micheals-$3
Gloves-Home Depot-$7 (want them for another project as well)
Dust mask will be a bandana
Aquarium Grade Silicone Sealant-Petco/Home Depot-$6 for a small tube
Water Pump-Any suggestions for medium-fast flow?
Total would come to about $50 without counting the pump or sealer which are the most expensive.
Sealers, not sure which one is safest yet (Any suggestions would be awesome)
-Delta Matte Varnish
-JW Clear Varnish
-SHIELDS ALL (think he said this was good against moisture and safe for pets?)
I would use Styrafoam and that glue to glue the skeleton and then trim away and shape it by making it look natural, then i would test it, then after it works add color and textures. Finally i would seal it all with one of those recommended sealers if you guys know of one that works well and is hermit crab safe please feel free to let me know. Then I would use the silicone to seal the parts that will always be touched by water, if not the entire thing.
My questions so far are, what type of pumps have worked for people in the past? Is there a DIY pump you like? What would be the safest sealer?
If ANYONE has ANY ideas to make it better or avoid road blocks or has experience with working with the foam (or even if you have none) your opinion is welcome. I have never done any of this before so if the foam wont work, or the glue wont work i want to change my plan as early as possible. And if ANYONE spots ANY part of this that would make it unsafe for my hermit crabs that i missed please let me know.
I cant wait for this it is going to be fun.