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I wonder where you're gonna put the traps! My crabs have recently taken to climbing on the screen lid. If I had this problem I'd be in serious trouble bc there isn't a spot in the tank they can't reach!megmaholm wrote:Ooh, good idea with the tape traps. I'll have to do some rearranging in my tank so the crabs can't get to it, so that can be my next project.
I finally got aquarium gravel glued all over the sides of the SW pool I'm setting up, so after it's cured in a couple days I'll be able to get it into the tank. And now, after all my work, they probably won't touch it
My new pools will have an incline made of siliconed river rocks to help the guys get in/out (as if -- they only stand on the edge and dip their feet inmegmaholm wrote:So, for my SW pool I made a ramp of needlepoint canvas with rive rocks siliconed on. It's obviously flimsy, which I'm okay with, but any tips for how to reinforce it? I was going to use eggcrate instead but can't justify $13 for something I only need a tiny piece of.