Hermit crab molting shell opening face down?

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.

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Hermit crab molting shell opening face down?

Post by HermitCrabLady » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:13 pm

I came home the other night and one of my hermit crabs was in the coco hut and it didn't appear he was molting. I picked him up just to check on him and all of a sudden I see the exoskeleton kind of in the sand but he wasn't fully buried because the sand isn't deep enough. I put him back just the way he was. But all the other times when my crabs molt above the surface they tilt the shell to the side and you can see the whole exo. This time he was face down facing the sand. Is this position ok? It has been 2 days already and it is hard to tell if he moved because he is in the same position. Should I position him differently? Is this an odd way to molt? Has anyone else see it this way? I hope to see answers soon because I don't want anything bad to happen. Thank you!

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Re: Hermit crab molting shell opening face down?

Post by YYWW » Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:39 am

Molting on the surface at all is odd. Why is your sand not deep? And is it moist?
Any surface molt at all should be a concern, but it's sounding like all your crabs surface molt? Would you like to go over your conditions?
The position is not the issue.

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Re: Hermit crab molting shell opening face down?

Post by Arosewithashell3 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:12 pm

YYWW wrote: Would you like to go over your conditions?
The position is not the issue.

Crabbers unite!!!
i agree, maybe the hermit crab isn't all the way under or i the "weird" position because the sand isn't deep enough. If this molt is successful, make sure you have enough substrate so the crab can cover its self more.
:smt117 ..... some crabs do surface molts anyway, but you don't know till you try deep enough substrate. Also, check your temp and humidity, this could also be a problem. the temp and humidity should be between 73-80 degrees F. :comfort: Good Luck!!!!!
Have fun with your hermies!

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Re: Hermit crab molting shell opening face down?

Post by soilentgringa » Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:53 pm

Arosewithashell3 wrote: i agree, maybe the hermit crab isn't all the way under or i the "weird" position because the sand isn't deep enough. If this molt is successful, make sure you have enough substrate so the crab can cover its self more.
:smt117 ..... some crabs do surface molts anyway, but you don't know till you try deep enough substrate. Also, check your temp and humidity, this could also be a problem. the temp and humidity should be between 73-80 degrees F. :comfort: Good Luck!!!!!
Temperatures and humidity need to be at a bare minimum 75 degrees and 75 percent. Most crabs prefer at least 80, and exotics require between 80-90 degrees. Some of the mods and more experienced crabbers can chime in on this, but PP's tend to be more active between 80 and 90 degrees as well. High humidity won't harm the crabs, you just have to watch for mold. Remember these guys are from the tropics, near the equator and oceanside, and it is very hot and super humid there.
