So, how big are they?

For topics relating to crab care that do not fit into the other categories.

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Re: So, how big are they?

Post by mool » Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:26 am

Thanks for the explanations and the photo examples! I understand now. Both of mine are currently buried in the new substrate; when the come up I'm going to take some head shots to see how they look from the same angles as the photos.

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Re: So, how big are they?

Post by staticfurball » Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:51 pm

Id like to get some pics of mine to help me determine size but the buggers a too quick for me. the minute I put them down to get a shot they skittle away lol any tricks?

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Re: So, how big are they?

Post by mool » Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:41 pm

Put them into a clear plastic container with the size chart under it. That's what I did.

FYI...both of mine have molted since I started this thread and they have swapped shells multiple times each, but have each re-settled into the one they had pre-molt.

I'm on the hunt for a larger tank for them. When I get that, I will then have an empty 10 gallon (their original tank) and an empty 20 (the one they are in now). What to do...what to do...
