Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:13 am

Yup still 4 in a 40 gallon. I doubt it's a space thing. The weird thing is the one that was attacked this time was the attacker last time. Not too sure who the attacker was this time, but I have ideas. I'll have to try out the crab legs! I guess it could just be a freak coincidence?

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by wodesorel » Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:23 am

It really could be since it's not the same one. They are wild animals. At the end of the day, they're going to do whatever they're going to do. :?
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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:24 am

Guess I'll just have to go with the flow then! :( thanks for all of the help

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by staticfurball » Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:21 am

I'm glad to hear your little amputee is doing ok. I has a problem, not with a trouble maker, but with a bad molt and one of my pp lost its BP and a leg. I was stressed. Thanks to all the ppl here I got some answers and after a few molts. sarge is all regenerated. :D

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:06 pm

staticfurball wrote:I'm glad to hear your little amputee is doing ok. I has a problem, not with a trouble maker, but with a bad molt and one of my pp lost its BP and a leg. I was stressed. Thanks to all the ppl here I got some answers and after a few molts. sarge is all regenerated. :D
Now I'm wondering if maybe the second guy just had a bad molt, as his previous owner had dug him up mid-molt and gave him to me like that with no Exo. Glad to hear your crab is back to normal :) hopefully mine have a speedy recovery too.

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:42 pm

Okay, under further investigation I just realized that the crab is missing not one, but both pinchers. It only have 2 1/2 legs remaining. Can a crab like this eat on its own? It's still eating some Exo.

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by wodesorel » Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:12 pm

Yes, they are able to eat without pinchers. My Sunshine got all the way through her exo with only a half leg and a stump to prop herself up with. Grinding or powdering their food will make it less of an effort, which means they won't expend as much energy to eat. I used q-tips coated in honey, and then packed with a ground food, like little lollipops. She was able to pick these up in her mouth and spin them to eat without much trouble.
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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by jclee » Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:05 pm

I wonder whether adding more shells per crab might cut down on the aggression? I just saw my crabs have their first shell fight. I ran to throw in a ton of extra shells, they settled down, and suddenly everyone was shell shopping. Since all of the tank conditions seem perfect and that's an easy thing to tinker with, maybe add a few more shells and see if the fighting stops. I wish you and your little ones the best of luck. They are certainly lucky to have you in their lives. You're taking such great care of them.
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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:21 pm

jclee wrote:I wonder whether adding more shells per crab might cut down on the aggression? I just saw my crabs have their first shell fight. I ran to throw in a ton of extra shells, they settled down, and suddenly everyone was shell shopping. Since all of the tank conditions seem perfect and that's an easy thing to tinker with, maybe add a few more shells and see if the fighting stops. I wish you and your little ones the best of luck. They are certainly lucky to have you in their lives. You're taking such great care of them.
Unfortunately I'm not sure that it could be shell aggression either. Though it definitely could be a reason and I won't rule it out yet, none of the crabs in question are really close enough in size.

I'm starting to think it was just an coincidence, because the first crab that was attacked molted in the moss pit that didn't have much cover, so she was an easy target. As for the second crab, I think the larger crab may have just stumbled upon him because it dug down almost on top of him.

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:21 pm

I'm willing to try anything though!

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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by jclee » Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:22 am

Who knows with these guys. They're fickle, and kind enough to put up with our enclosures. :) If adding shells has any effect, let us know. It is always just possible that you've got a bully in there.
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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by purpleperson » Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:31 pm

First crab just came up with a new claw and a new leg!!! Didn't take her long at all! Such a quick molt. I wasn't expecting her for 2-3 more weeks but here she is. :) nice little orange BP and nice little orange leg. I'm thinking she should be closer to normal size/color again after her next molt?

Such a great end to a long week! As for crab two, he/she is still alive, enjoying their hand feelings, and moving around a little. Hopefully they pull through as well. :)


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Re: Moss pit emergency- naked, freshly molted crab

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:18 pm


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